#furry @ EsperNet stats by Rask

Statistics generated on Tuesday 23 January 2024 - 15:00:02
During this 87-day reporting period, a total of 33 different nicks were represented on #furry.

Updated Hourly - All Times US Mountain

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Words per lineLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 MythIncarnate76418622446 1562764186224468.2today"Is cold out so a nice hot bath is the best." @Pepper
2 @Pepper428312220 9664283122209.1today"I walked a 5K and stopped for dinner"
3 QC78363423 865783634236.0today"They said it was American at least" @Rask
4 @Rask35261191282 769352611912827.6today"I got hungry today and ate approximately my BMR"
5 Alastair144228276 6561442282769.1today"Any time spent with those you like is valuable."
6 Heath24119699 536241196997.09 days ago"i heard that place smells like piss"
7 Mori-neko46150129103 428461501291039.9yesterday"We had 15 years together, and it still wasn't enough" Mori-neko Faoluin
8 Faoluin1613310288 33916133102889.3today"...Our client asked for a PDF printout of our code."
9 Zeromus43141146 3354314114613.28 days ago"Honestly I can't stand scroll wheels :x or thumb balls"
10 Halian217512257 2752175122575.2yesterday"(namely the current Digimon TCG)"
11 doskel82240 771522409.13 days ago"holy holy crap that looks rad how did I not know they sold that"
12 ThePiGuy242732 732732149.86 days ago"https://thepiguy24.net/furmeetphotos/ ;3"
13 Morii-neko2918 6681129186.48 days ago"I'm at work for another 6 or 7 hours"
14 yosh211819 592118195.2today"the hell is going on in britain"
15 Evelyn36 4263610.66 days ago"it's hard to eat breakfast okay"
16 Slime41 41418.324 days ago"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mk5sYE8ixE"
17 fultondracat20 2832054.722 days ago"horray for all the carry bits and left shift registers"
18 Bovinator22 282266.0yesterday"More a cow Goddess. Such those from ancient mythology."
19 Thornne 22210105.722 days ago"(I received exactly 0 from anyone except my dad for christmas)" Thornne
20 FreeFull 2137656.03 days ago"It's almost 5am here, why am I awake"
21 Jameps 20106414.9yesterday"I hope you feel 100% soon Rask!" Jameps
22 Bovinator_ 1916577.0today"Cow Goddesses to be precise."
23 slime2 14143.824 days ago"qc: If DMs work, consider."
24 Kraloth 141138.117 days ago"ye, I felt the same way when I was working in the family entertai"
25 @Fox 1312115.810 days ago"and they are in an apartment" @Fox
26 JVFoxy 131310.5today"hadn't been here in a while. Hope ya all do'n well"
27 Nevermind 1121357.34 days ago"mine is getting old and tired too :(" Nevermind Zerofennec
28 Zerofennec 887.933 days ago"I feel like you have that on speed dial haha"
29 Lex 8623.912 days ago"Happy Feast Day, everyfur~"
30 heartbreaker 559.072 days ago"Fantastic. Existence has to be one of the top 3 things, easy."

These didn't make it to the top:
doskel (5) Moriii (4) Bildramerscawk (3)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 QC - 78 @Pepper - 428 MythIncarnate - 622 MythIncarnate - 446
2 MythIncarnate - 76 MythIncarnate - 418 QC - 423 @Rask - 282
3 Mori-neko - 46 QC - 363 @Pepper - 312 Alastair - 276
4 @Rask - 35 @Rask - 261 Alastair - 228 @Pepper - 220
5 ThePiGuy24 - 27 Heath - 241 Heath - 196 Zeromus - 146
6 Halian - 21 Mori-neko - 150 @Rask - 191 Mori-neko - 103
7 Faoluin - 16 Alastair - 144 Zeromus - 141 Heath - 99
8 @Fox - 12 Faoluin - 133 Mori-neko - 129 Faoluin - 88
9 Jameps - 10 Halian - 75 Halian - 122 Halian - 57
10 Alastair - 8 Zeromus - 43 Faoluin - 102 doskel8 - 40

Big numbers
Is Slime stupid or just asking too many questions? 19.5% lines contained a question!
QC didn't know that much either. 14.9% of his lines were questions.
The loudest one was yosh, who yelled 11.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was Alastair, who shouted 11.6% of the time!
It seems that doskel8's shift-key is hanging: 2.6% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <doskel> O.O

Slime just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.4% of the time.
Faoluin is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 2 times.
For example, like this:
     * Faoluin slaps Rask around a bit with a large trout

Mori-neko can't control her aggressions, either. She picked on others 1 times.
Poor @Rask, nobody likes him. He was attacked 2 times.
For example, like this:
     * Faoluin slaps Rask around a bit with a large trout

MythIncarnate seems to be unliked too. He got beaten 1 times.
ThePiGuy24 brings happiness to the world. 24.7% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Halian isn't a sad person either, smiling 6.2% of the time.
Halian seems to be sad at the moment: 5.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
Slime is also a sad person, crying 4.9% of the time.
Zeromus wrote the longest lines, averaging 68.9 letters per line.
#furry average was 44.7 letters per line.
Halian wrote the shortest lines, averaging 27.6 characters per line.
yosh was tight-lipped, too, averaging 27.6 characters.
MythIncarnate spoke a total of 12791 words!
MythIncarnate's faithful follower, @Pepper, didn't speak so much: 8794 words.
Bildramerscawk wrote an average of 38.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.24 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Halian (5 names) Halian, Guest68180, Guest92724, Hal|Slp, Guest92009
2 Zeromus (5 names) Zero|Floating, ZzZeromus, Zero|Sprawl, Zeromus, Zeromus_
3 MythIncarnate (4 names) MythAdventure, MythAquatic, MythApocryphal, MythIncarnate
4 Mori-neko (3 names) Morii-neko, Mori_, Mori-neko
5 Jameps (3 names) Jameps, lplpublic__, Jameps_
6 doskel8 (3 names) doskel8, doskel, doskel6
7 Lex (2 names) LexToo, Lex
8 Liero_ (2 names) Liero, Liero_
9 doskel (2 names) doskel, doskel8
10 Morii-neko (2 names) Morii-neko, Mori-Japan
11 Tomko (2 names) Tatiana, Tomko
12 Nevermind (2 names) Nevermind, Never
13 Alastair (2 names) Alastair[Welp], Alastair
14 Liero (2 names) Liero_, Liero
15 Bovinator (2 names) Bovinator_, Bovinator
16 Heath (2 names) Heath, Heathj
17 Bovinator_ (2 names) Bovinator_, Bovinator
18 nyasu (2 names) nyasu, nyasu_
19 Faoluin (2 names) Faoluin, Prowluin

Most active gender
 GenderNumber of linesNick
1 Male 277211424041644 6439 MythIncarnate (1562), @Pepper (966), QC (865), @Rask (769), Alastair (656), Heath (536), Faoluin (339), Zeromus (335), Halian (275), fultondracat (28), ...
2 Female 156129105 436 Mori-neko (428), Lex (8)

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 think 133 QC
2 really 126 QC
3 going 115 QC
4 still 113 Bovinator_
5 because 98 Mori-neko
6 today 92 QC
7 would 90 Faoluin
8 though 86 Faoluin
9 people 86 @Rask
10 right 85 Alastair
11 there 83 @Rask
12 should 78 Alastair
13 which 74 @Rask
14 something 73 QC
15 things 73 QC
16 while 71 JVFoxy
17 probably 70 MythIncarnate
18 maybe 68 Faoluin
19 could 67 Alastair
20 their 67 Faoluin

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 51 @Rask
2 :( 36 Nevermind
3 :P 30 MythIncarnate
4 :) 29 QC
5 D: 24 @Rask
6 ;p 18 ThePiGuy24
7 :/ 14 @Pepper
8 :p 4 @Pepper
9 ;P 3 QC
10 \o/ 3 Zeromus

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.chimpout.com/community 3 Bildramerscawk
2 https://photos.app.goo.gl/KqMYvYeZBv6AXMhg8 2 @Pepper
3 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/55178056/ 2 @Rask
4 https://dl.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zvveeawn2sheycs1dsfyl/cast-iro 2 MythIncarnate
5 https://i.imgur.com/w49cE08.png 1 MythIncarnate

Other interesting numbers
Slime wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Slime was kicked by Rask

slime2 seemed to be hated too: 1 kicks were received.
@Rask is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 3 people!
MythIncarnate always lets us know what he's doing: 511 actions!
For example, like this:
     * MythAquatic bubbles!

Also, @Rask tells us what's up with 226 actions.
MythIncarnate talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 7 times!
Another lonely one was @Pepper, who managed to hit 4 times.
Heath couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 84 joins during this reporting period!
QC has quite a potty mouth. 0.3% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <qc> oh, shit Mori-neko

Evelyn also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.

Latest Topics
Not some random yaff yaff channel for literally 20 years | https://buffsky.com/furry/ <- Rules | http://buffsky.com/furry/stats/ <- recent *STATS* all-time -> https://furry.snowcat.link/ | Join #furry_ops to speak to an op | calendar overflowed 22 days ago at 00:05 by @Pepper
Not some random yaff yaff channel for literally 20 years | https://buffsky.com/furry/ <- Rules | http://buffsky.com/furry/stats/ <- recent *STATS* all-time -> https://furry.snowcat.link/ | Join #furry_ops to speak to an op | It Crimmus, happy merry Crimmus 29 days ago at 09:29 by @Pepper
Not some random yaff yaff channel for literally 20 years | https://buffsky.com/furry/ <- Rules | http://buffsky.com/furry/stats/ <- recent *STATS* all-time -> https://furry.snowcat.link/ | Join #furry_ops to speak to an op | Happy wolfday, Fao~ 56 days ago at 12:43 by @Rask
The topic was set 3 times.
Total number of lines: 9982.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 01 seconds